Capilano University's Indigenous Curriculum Resource Guide

Nú, chexw men wa ha7lh?, K’alhwá 7alap, ʔiy te kwayel, ’Uy’ skweyul, Hello.

Thank you for visiting Capilano University's Indigenous Curriculum Resource Guides. These guides are imperfect — a work in progress that will include contributions from many voices. Efforts have been made to focus first on resources from members of local Indigenous communities, including people in Capilano University's learning community. At this stage, this is an online collection with links to digital content, or to print items physically located in the Capilano University Library. As a living document, this content will continue to change over time.

Part 1 - Territorial Acknowledgement and Situating Self


Course Guides

BADM 106 - Organizational Behaviour

BMKT 161 - Introduction to Marketing




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