The Course Reserves collection is a limited-loan collection of high-demand course materials.
Course Reserve materials are listed online by instructor name and course codes, and are available for check out at the Library Services Desk. To facilitate the timely return of these high-use items, fines are imposed when the items are not returned by the due time/date, at the rate of $1/hr for hourly reserves and $2/day for daily reserves.
Placing Reserve Requests
Complete the online Course Reserve Request Form or pick up and complete a Course Reserve Request Form at the Library Services Desk. Please read the information below before submitting your request.
Collection Development Policy
The Library does not buy textbooks or required readings but will purchase requested supplemental readings within budget limitations. Textbooks and required readings may be loaned to the Library for reserve purposes - see Personal Copies below.
Library Copies
Library owned items from the general collection can be placed on reserve. eBooks and streaming media can be made available on eLearn via permalinks. Looking for digital alternatives? Your liaison librarian can help you find online materials.
Email to discuss your options.
Personal Copies
Personal or department copies of textbooks or required readings can be loaned to the Library and placed on reserve. The Library cannot accept responsibility for lost or damaged personal copies.
Photocopied Material
Photocopied materials such as journal articles and book chapters may be placed on reserve with some restrictions. Please ensure your request follows the University's Copyright Policy.
- Copies of journal articles cannot also be digitally accessible through one of the Library's subscription databases.
- Copies from books cannot exceed 10% or one chapter of the book (multiple chapters from one book cannot be processed).
- Citations must be included with photocopied material.
Purchase Requests
Purchase requests can be made by submitting a Recommend a Purchase form. Before submitting a purchase request for new reserve materials, please check the library catalogue for existing copies.
- Requests should be submitted at least 3 months before the course begins.
- Forms do not require the signature of your departmental coordinator.
- The Library does not purchase material that students are expected to buy, such as textbooks or required readings.
Copyright law and licensing agreements can affect the eligibility of materials being placed on reserve. Please familiarize yourself with the requirements by reviewing the Library's Copyright guide and the University's Copyright Policy.
Terms of Access
When placing items on reserve, instructors will need to consider the expected demand, curriculum timelines, the number of copies available, length of the readings, and when the course will be offered to decide:
What is the loan period?
- 3 Hour No Overnight Loan - due three hours from the time of check-out; items must be returned by Library closing time
- 3 Hour Loan - due three hours from the time of check-out; items checked out within three hours of closing will be due at opening the next day
- 1 Day Loan - due the day after check-out, by Library closing time
- 3 Day Loan - due on the third day after check-out, by Library closing time
- 7 Day Loan - due on the seventh day after check-out, by Library closing time
How long should this item remain on reserve?
- One term, multiple terms, or specific dates
Removing Reserve Requests
At the end of each term, Library-owned materials will be returned to the general collection and personal copies can either be picked up at the Library Services Desk or returned via interoffice mail.
If a request has been made for an item to remain on reserve for multiple terms or specific dates, it will stay on reserve until those dates have passed. The Reserve Technician will check in annually with instructors who have personal copies on Reserve, if there are no checkouts the material will be removed and returned to them.