Book a study room at the Library (CapU Main Campus)

Book a study room at CapU Squamish Campus

Library Policies

Please make sure you're aware of the Library's policies concerning food and drink, smoking and vaping, and noise. Help to make the Library a welcoming space by being courteous, kind and safe.

Study Areas

1st Floor - Quiet Study and Collaboration 

  • Tables, comfortable chairs, and whiteboards are available for single or group use.
  • LB119, the Library Classroom, is available to attend online classes while on campus, or for single/group work, except when a Library class is in session. The schedule of Library classes is posted outside the room each day.
  • The Janet MacDonald Room (LB109) is a silent study space.  
  • Computer workstations, printers, scanners, and copiers are available.

1st Floor - Bookable Study Rooms

  • LB111, LB117, LB118, and LB123 are available for student bookings.
  • Rooms can by booked by individuals or groups up to 12 (depending on room size), for up to 2 hours per day.
  • Please see Room Policies for more details.

2nd Floor - Silent Study

  • This area is for students who need to study in a quiet environment. Please refrain from making noise and take all conversations and phone calls outside this area.
  • Individual carrels with outlets are available.  
  • A small number of computer workstations are available.

2nd Floor - Bookable Study Rooms

  • LB204, LB205, LB206, and LB212 are available for student bookings.
  • Rooms can by booked by individuals or groups up to 6 (depending on room size), for up to 2 hours per day.
  • Please see Room Policies for more details.

Need to attend an online class?

Space is available on the Library's 1st floor. See the Library Services Desk to borrow headphones and headsets.

Bookable Study Rooms

The Library has eight bookable rooms available for individual or group study, projects, or viewing sessions. All rooms have a whiteboard and widescreen TV. Bookings are made online.

Bookable Room Policies

  • Rooms are available for individuals or groups of up to 12 - room sizes are listed below.
  • Maximum booking time per person or group per day: 2 hours.
    Consecutive bookings by members of the same group are not permitted.
  • 10-minute grace period – if the room is not claimed by a group member within 10 minutes of the booking time, the booking is cancelled and the room becomes free for others to use.
  • Bookings are available up to 14 days in advance.
  • Please be courteous. Cancel unneeded bookings to allow other students to make a reservation.
  • Room Capacities: 
    • LB111, LB117, LB123 - 8 people
    • LB118 - 12 people
    • LB204, LB205 - 4 people
    • LB206, LB212 - 6 people

Computer Workstations and Printing

There are workstations in the Library for students and community members. From every workstation, you can:

  • Find and access Library resources
  • Log in to eLearn and your myCapU accounts
  • Use Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Browse the web and access your personal email

Read more about computers in the library

Printing, copying and scanning through the PaperCut system can be accessed from these workstations and the printer/scanners near the Library Services Desk.

Read more about printing and copying

Escape the Noise

The 2nd floor of the Library and the Janet MacDonald Room (LB109) are designated for silent study. Carrels are provided for individual work.

Please take all conversations, including phone calls and discussions with other students, out of this area.

If you are bothered by other students talking in the Silent Zones, feel free to use posted signs to alert others of the noise policy, or bring your concern to a Library staff member.

Need help finding the right study area? Talk to a friendly staff member at the Library Services Desk.


Capilano University Library

604 984 4944
Library Building
Library Hours
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