The (other) F word : a celebration of the fat & fierce / edited by Angie Manfredi
Muster points / poems by Lucas Crawford
More, please : on food, fat, bingeing, longing, and the lust for enough / Emma Specter
Body talk / Katie Sturino ; illustrations by Monica Garwood ; writer: Amelia Diamond
Reclaiming body trust / Hilary Kinavey, MS, LPC, and Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD
We are never meeting in real life : essays / Samantha Irby
Fat girl magic / Kat Savage
Unfuck your eating : using science to build a better relationship with food, health, and body image / Dr. Faith Harper, LPC-S, ACS, ACN
Bad fat Black girl : notes from a trap feminist / Sesali Bowen
Fat girl forms / Stephanie Rogers
What we don't talk about when we talk about fat / Aubrey Gordon
Shrill : notes from a loud woman / Lindy West
Unshrinking : how to face fatphobia / Kate Manne
Unashamed : musings of a fat, black Muslim / Leah Vernon
What's wrong with fat? / Abigail C. Saguy
Fat girls hiking : an inclusive guide to getting outdoors at any size or ability / Summer Michaud-Skog
Fat off, fat on : a big bitch manifesto / Clarkisha Kent
Belly of the beast : the politics of anti-fatness as anti-blackness / Da'Shaun Harrison ; foreword by Kiese Laymon
You just need to lose weight" : and 19 other myths about fat people / Aubrey Gordon
Hungry ghost / Victoria Ying ; color by Lynette Wong
Thick : and other essays / Tressie McMillan Cottom
T-shirt swim club : stories from being fat in a world of thin people / Ian Karmel and Alisa Karmel, PsyD, MScN
Fat boys : a slim book / Sander L. Gilman
Obesity in Canada : critical perspectives / edited by Jenny Ellison, Deborah McPhail, and Wendy Mitchinson
The fat studies reader / edited by Esther Rothblum and Sondra Solovay ; foreword by Marilyn Wann
Fat studies in Canada : (re)mapping the field / edited by Allison Taylor, Kelsey Ioannoni, Ramanpreet A. Bahra, Calla Evans, Amanda Scriver, and May Friedman
The body is not an apology : the power of radical self-love / Sonya Renee Taylor
Anti-diet : reclaim your time, money, well-being, and happiness through intuitive eating / Christy Harrison
Fat gay men : girth, mirth, and the politics of stigma / Jason Whitesel