Arts & Sciences
- Humanities - Michel Castagné (ext. 2143, Email)
- Psychology - Krystyna Nowak (ext. 2121, Email)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math - Tamarack Hockin (ext. 2111, Email)
- Social Sciences (except Psychology) - Jen Goerzen (ext. 3133, Email)
Business & Professional Studies
- Business (teaching select courses) - Jen Goerzen (ext. 3133, Email)
- Communications - Michel Castagné (ext. 2143, Email)
- Legal Studies - Jocelyn Hallman (ext. 2108, Email)
Global & Community Studies
- Kinesiology - Krystyna Nowak (ext. 2121, Email)
- Public Administration - Jocelyn Hallman (ext. 2108, Email)
- Tourism Management - Sabrina Wong (ext. 2103, Email)
Education, Health & Human Development
- Access and Academic Preparation - Bethany Peterkin (ext. 2106, Email)
- Allied Health - Krystyna Nowak (ext. 2121, Email)
- Education and Childhood Studies - Jocelyn Hallman (ext. 2108, Email)
- University One for Indigenous Learners, Pathways to Higher Learning - Bethany Peterkin (ext. 2106, Email)
Fine & Applied Arts
- Animation - Ashley Manhas (ext. 3644, Email)
- Arts & Entertainment Management - Ashley Manhas (ext. 3644, Email
- IDEA School of Design - Michel Castagné (ext. 2143, Email)
- MOPA / Documentary / IDF - Ashley Manhas (ext. 3644, Email)
- Music / Jazz - Ashley Manhas (ext. 3644, Email)
- Musical Theatre/Theatre - Ashley Manhas (ext. 3644, Email)
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